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Working and Living Off the Grid

Working and Living Off the Grid

Posted by Daniela - Queen of the Meadow on 26th Feb 2024

At Queen of the Meadow, our passion for crafting natural skincare products is fueled by a deep reverence for the healing power of nature and a commitment to sustainability. With every bottle, jar, and bar that leaves our workshop, we strive to capture the essence of pure, plant-based beauty and share it with the world.

We strive to be sustainable and to leave a small carbon foot print on our planet. To accomplish this, we built our home in 2011 that closely resembles an Earthship. An Earthship is tucked in a hill and built out of reusable materials and materials that would otherwise be recycled or end up in the landfill. The main structure of our home is made out of recycled items; tires, glass bottles, cans, and plastic containers.

When we built our home we also included a large workshop in the home where our products could be made, packaged and shipped - as well as space for paperwork, inventory, and daily business operations.

Integrating our home and business space into this Earthship structure allowed us to fully operate off the grid. This means, we are not hooked on to the city for water, and electricity. An Earthship functions as its own system. Our electricity is solar and wind powered and we use the sun to heat the house (passive solar). We do not have a well, and we are not on a water tap. Instead all our water is harvested off the roof (2,700 sqft) into cisterns that hold a total capacity of 8500 gallons. Additionally, the entire building works as a greenhouse, and we integrated indoor growing space for organic herbs.

For more information on the building process please visit our website.

As we continue our journey towards sustainability, we invite you to explore more about our Earthship home and our commitment to eco-friendly practices.

Thank you for being a part of our mission to nurture both skin and planet alike.

Off-grid workshop powered by sun and wind where all Queen of the Meadow products are made. Click image for more information.